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Local Birds Orange County: Hummingbirds

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It is getting close to one of my favorite times of the year. Spring is fast approaching and we are getting our ornamental and vegetable garden ready for the new season. When we plant or seed new plants we have been trying to plant more native flowers. We also want to try to attract native bird species and species that seasonal fly through the area. We love the hummingbirds in California. My family always makes a real effort to attract hummingbirds to our yard throughout the year. We love using hummingbird feeders and getting plants that the hummingbirds love to get their nutrition from. They are great for your home and garden. They will eat small insects, fruit flies, mosquitos, and small spiders, and take down spider webs in your garden. Here are the hummingbirds you will see in Orange County.

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Allen's Hummingbird

Allen’s hummingbird is a seasonal hummingbird in California. You will see the hummingbird during Spring and Summer seasons. These seasonal hummingbirds are beautiful. Allen’s hummingbird has an iridescent red throat, greenback, rusty sides, rump, and narrow outer tail feathers.
An interesting fact about Allen’s hummingbird is that they are an early migratory bird compared to other North American birds. The male and female hummingbirds use different habitats during mating season. The male Allen’s hummingbirds stay near coastal California next to coastal scrub and chaparral. The female Allen’s hummingbirds will visit the male hummingbirds, but after mating will head to the thickets or forest to make a nest and raise their young.


Anna's Hummingbird

Anna’s hummingbird is in California year-round. They have a red crown and red spotted throat. They are dark green above and gray below. The hummingbird has wide outer tail feathers.

An interesting fact about Anna’s hummingbirds is that for the first half of the 20th Century, they bred only in Northern Baja California and Southern California. The planting of exotic flowering trees provided nectar and nesting sites which allowed them greatly expand their breeding range. Male Anna’s hummingbirds have gorget (iridescent throat patch) that extends over their head. It is really easy to attract these hummingbirds. You will just need a hummingbird feeder and mix one part sugar and four parts water.


Costa's Hummingbird

The Costa’s hummingbird is in Southern California year-round. This magnificent hummingbird has a violet crown and neck, white in breast, green back, and green in the sides and tail feathers.

The Costa’s hummingbirds have been restricted to the Southwest, but they have been seen in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and British Columbia, Canada. These hummingbirds love the hot Sonoran and Mojave Deserts as well as the coastal scrub. They need to visit 1840 flowers to meet their energy requirements per day. They love the nectar from native plants and hummingbird feeders. The male Costa’s hummingbird has purple feathers that drape across the throat, wildly hanging out to each side. It looks like an overgrown mustache.


Black-Chinned Hummingbird

The black-chinned hummingbird is in Southern California year-round. It has a beautiful black head with a purple throat. Green on their upper torso with some green on their sides.

The black-chinned hummingbird is quite spread. They can be found in deserts and mountain forests. Black-chinned hummingbirds are the most adaptable species of hummingbirds. They can be found in urban areas and disturbed habitats. During the breeding season, the female hummingbirds make their nest out of plant downs and spider webs. The eggs are the size of coffee beans. The male black-chinned hummingbird is smaller compared to the female hummingbird.


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